
Explore careers in Research & Development
当社はこれまで、メイン治療領域であるがん、血液疾患、免疫系疾患、心血管疾患、神経系疾患の分野において大きな前進をとげてきました。当社は多様で有望なパイプラインを保有し、革新的な医薬品を患者さんにお届けするための最良の機会があると考えられる治療分野の研究に重点を置いています。ブリストル マイヤーズ スクイブでは、人生に違いをもたらす次世代の画期的な治療法を開発しています。興味深い仕事とエキサイティングなキャリア成長、そして、さまざまな分野をリードする才能のあるチームメイトがあなたを待っています。あなたのキャリアに違いをもたらすチャンスです。
Our next neuroscience breakthrough need authors
We are excited to re-enter the field of neuroscience, seeking innovative treatments for patients living with neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. You can join us on this exciting journey to transform the lives of patients around the world. It may just transform your career.
Leading the way to scientific innovation for patients
Endpoints News Women in Biopharma R&D
Mariann Micsinai-Balan, VP, GBDS Data Science & Statistical Methodology has been featured for her outstanding contributions to our novel computational methods.
ACS Heroes of Chemistry Award
Our chemists are honored to be recognized for the ACS Heroes of Chemistry Award for the seventh time in the past ten years.
This year, we celebrate their dedicated work to deliver the first oral treatment for patients living with plaque psoriasis.

Learn the story of how chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy went from hypothesis to groundbreaking treatment. Committed to improving cell therapy science, BMS is advancing a robust pipeline of cell therapies.

Learn the story of how chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy went from hypothesis to groundbreaking treatment. Committed to improving cell therapy science, BMS is advancing a robust pipeline of cell therapies.